A Year Later… Another Award that Validates Visibility
It has been a little over a year since we introduced the GigaVUE-HC2 visibility appliance to extend the breadth of our Visibility Fabric portfolio even further. Happy birthday to the HC2! Last week, SearchNetworking recognized us with the ‘Network Innovation Award’ (NIA) for the market-leading innovations we have introduced in the GigaVUE-HC2. We are honored by the recognition.What makes a best-selling product that customers eagerly embrace? Typically, such a product catches the attention of prospects and customers because of a combination of several attributes that are aligned in several dimensions—it solves key pain points customers have been grappling with, addresses a broad set of use cases, and brings tremendous ease of use / simplicity to how it is used in a broader context. | ![]() |
In modern IT infrastructures, customers have grappled with four major issues: the transformational impact of new network architectures, an exponential increase in the nature and sophistication of security threats, the massive increase in adoption of virtualized infrastructure and the tsunami of traffic hitting mobile infrastructure. In all these cases, the common thread is the increased obfuscation resulting in blind spots. Four very diverse example use cases, each with its own unique visibility challenges, have forced customers to question the status quo method of operations. And, all four challenges can be solved very effectively by GigaVUE-HC2 in combination with the rest of the portfolio. For each one of these use cases, the HC2 can be customized and tuned to create a best-in-class visibility solution.
GigaVUE-HC2 is not just a custom hardware appliance—it is the combination of the software applications with the purpose-built hardware that makes it such a compelling delivery vehicle. Whether it is embedded TAPs, inline bypass modules for security, I/O modules with GigaSMART traffic intelligence embedded in them, 1Gb / 10Gb/40Gb interfaces, each of the hardware modules allow customers to solve their unique challenges in a compact unit. Combine this with the full suite of GigaSMART software applications and the ability to cluster with other fabric nodes such as our GigaVUE-TA family to extend the reach or GigaVUE-HD8 to extend the intelligence, and it is easy to see why the HC2 is winning over more customers every day! Used with GigaVUE-FM, the centralized fabric manager, there is one consistent and simple way to manage the entire fabric.
For more details of the award, check out the SearchNetworking Web site.