Phil Griston

Senior Director, Partner Marketing and Development

Phil Griston, Senior Director, Partner Marketing and Development, has worked in the network and applications markets for more than two decades. Prior to joining Gigamon, Phil has led Business Development and Corporate Marketing at companies such as Accedian Networks, Cariden Technologies and Parc Technologies In these roles he built both technology and sales partnerships with Cisco, Juniper and Alcatel-Lucent among others. Two of these companies were acquired by Cisco where Phil has spent several years involved in business development with eco-ssytem partners and technology suppliers. He managed the group responsible for 3rd party programs and contracts including ISV/Developer Programs, technology suppliers including OEM relationships and software component acquisition. Phil has also held several international leadership roles at BMC Software, Cable & Wireless and Sun Microsystems. Phil holds a Bachelor of Science in Business from the City University Business School in London, UK.


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