Security / September 3, 2021

How SOCs Are Working Alone, Distracted, and in the Dark — and What to Do About It: A Three-Part Webinar Series

SOC analysts are dealing with increased burnout due to the pressure and pace of their jobs, distracting tasks that interrupt their core objectives, and lack of in-depth network visibility that leaves them in the dark. 

So how do organizations overcome these challenges?

In this on-demand webinar series, Jon Oltsik, Senior Analyst at ESG and I will discuss approaches to address the issues SOC analysts face. 

Episode 1: How SOCS Are Working Alone – And What to Do About It

Sixty percent of SOC team members are considering changing careers or leaving their jobs due to burnout, according to the Ponemon Institute. In this first episode, we discuss how analysts can get the advisory guidance they need to reduce burnout. We’ll also dive into how businesses can improve SOC effectiveness, plus why and how Guided-SaaS NDR tools give SOCs both practical and tactical response strategies.

Episode 2: Helping SOCs Overcome Distraction

SOC analysts are burdened by distractions that keep them from focusing on their primary responsibility: identifying and eliminating threats before they can cause damage. Join us to discover how analysts can overcome distractions and improve SOC and IR efficiency and effectiveness. We’ll also share which tools remove the need for near-constant solution management or maintenance.

Episode 3: Shining a Light: Helping SOCs Move Away from Working in the Dark

SIEMs alone don’t provide the depth of network telemetry necessary to easily triage, hunt, or investigate threats. EDRs are great, but visibility gaps remain for unmanaged, IoT, and BYOD devices. Learn how SOCs can shine a light on visibility gaps and arm themselves with accurate and rapid information to address threats.

For best results watch the entire series on demand today!


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