Security / July 27, 2021

Partner Spotlight: Digital Scepter and Gigamon Help Customers Get the Most from Their Security Tools

Digital Scepter, founded in 2007, is an integrator and reseller focused on network security. Jon Robinson, the company’s president, says the Digital Scepter name is “symbolic of helping customers initiate best practices against cyberthreats.”

Digital Scepter has been a Gigamon partner for nearly a decade now. When we asked Jon for a one-word description of Gigamon, he chose “versatile.” We sat down with Jon for a Q&A to find out more about the relationship his company has with Gigamon, and how that versatility has helped Digital Scepter serve its customers.

Gigamon: Tell us a little bit about Digital Scepter’s experience in the market when it comes to network security and visibility.

Jon Robinson, President, Digital Scepter.

Jon: We have been implementing network security and visibility tools since 2007 with mostly the same team of people, so we’ve seen a plethora of use cases and unusual situations. Our experience in these situations has given us the tribal knowledge of how to deal with these issues that you can gain only by working with them firsthand.

Gigamon: When and how did you become a Gigamon partner?

Jon: We became a Gigamon partner in 2012 when we wanted to leverage the Gigamon Visibility and Analytics Fabric™ to expand our customers’ network monitoring capabilities. Gigamon is a foundational element to a company’s technology stack. Once it’s in there, all future projects are much simpler, because it’s so easy to add or change tools or data requirements with Gigamon.

Gigamon: Which Gigamon features generate the most excitement with your customers?

Jon: Definitely the ability to dynamically send specific and relevant traffic to SIEM tools. That lets customers use fewer licenses and reduce costs. We love to see a customer’s enthusiasm when we tell them that buying Gigamon will make their other security tools less expensive to use!

Gigamon: What unique capabilities does your partnership with Gigamon bring to your business?

Jon: Gigamon provides network flexibility across our customers’ networks. That makes it possible for us to solve problems for our customers in the most efficient way possible.

Gigamon: What are some of the new challenges you see in the market that your partnership with Gigamon can solve?

Jon: With work-from-home becoming permanently more prevalent after COVID-19, there’s going to be all the more need to better refine the network traffic sent to security tools. This is where Gigamon shines, reducing license costs as well as operational overhead.

Gigamon: Where do you see the trends in network security and visibility in three years’ time?

Jon: Identity management will become more important. And SSL decryption will be a requirement to do any meaningful network security.

Thank you, Jon and Digital Scepter, for making time for us and for being such a wonderful partner.


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