Trending / May 21, 2019

Introducing Gigamon Application Intelligence

Dear Gigamon,

Every so often in our careers, we are fortunate enough to play a role in the launch of something truly remarkable. Today, we launch Gigamon Application Intelligence, a giant leap in our product portfolio and the value it provides to our customers in their digital transformation journey. In the words of a top analyst firm:

“You are coming up with a tool that can be used by both network engineers and application developers. It’s more of a full stack engineering tool vs. a pure network tool.”

The concept of “application intelligence” is not new. In fact, it’s what turned a firewall into a next-generation firewall a decade ago. What is new — which only Gigamon Application Intelligence brings — is the combination of breadth of application visibility, ease of extracting application traffic and the depth of metadata we provide to our tool ecosystem partners. Let’s look at each in turn.

Breadth of Application Visibility 

Gigamon automatically identifies more than 3,000 business, consumer and IT apps using deep packet inspection. We also support detection of proprietary apps, including components within custom applications. 

Easy Application Traffic Extraction

Once applications are identified and categorized, the next step is to extract application traffic and send it to the appropriate tools using simple traffic flow control. Customers can select certain applications for additional scrutiny and deprioritize others to reduce burden on tools.  

Metadata Depth to Empower Tool Ecosystem 

Last, but not least, we empower IT and their tool ecosystem with previously unobtainable data for better security and performance management. Gigamon can provide customers and analytics partners with more than 5,000 metadata elements related to app performance, usage patterns, user experience and more.  We are working with a growing number of ecosystem tool partners to deliver metadata-based application analytics right out of the box. Stay tuned for more on that!

It’s the combination of these three powerful capabilities that makes Gigamon indispensable to any organization that needs their critical applications to be available, secure and performing optimally. Thank you all for this great achievement — everyone who built this capability, and everyone who will sell and support it in the future. In other words, every Gigamon employee!

Join Us for the Facebook Live! Event

We’re also very excited to be launching our first Facebook Live! Event where Shehzad, Rob Langley from Nio and yours truly will perform the launch ceremonies, live at 10 a.m. Pacific Time today! Join us at

Lastly, you can learn more about Gigamon Application Intelligence and its features and benefits at

Best regards,


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