Gigamon Helps Fulfill the Requirements of the Presidential Executive Order
The “Presidential Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure” has been the buzz in Washington, D.C. for months. The number of webcasts, seminars and events addressing the topic grows every day – and yes, Gigamon has had more than a few. Now less than two weeks from the August 14 deadline, agency responses are due. Are you ready? If so, what have you done to prepare?
Experts have said that visibility is key to cybersecurity. In fact, as noted in the Gartner Adaptive Security Architecture Model, continuous visibility is central to many security capabilities that map to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework Core – a set of industry standards and best practices to help organizations manage cybersecurity risk that consists of five functions: identify, protect, detect, respond and recover.
Leverage the GigaSECURE Security Delivery Platform to Gain Visibility
If visibility is central to cybersecurity, Gigamon can make your response to the Executive Order easier. Our GigaSECURE® Security Delivery Platform delivers continuous network traffic visibility and optimizes cybersecurity tool performance to help government agencies align cybersecurity budgets with desired business outcomes, reduce the cost of closing existing protection gaps and achieve target framework profiles.
More specifically, the GigaSECURE Security Delivery Platform helps:
Close the Visibility Gaps: The platform provides traffic visibility across all IT and operational technology (OT) operations for both physical and virtual assets in data centers, remote sites and the private and public cloud. It eliminates monitoring blind spots to vastly improve the accuracy and precision of threat measurements and resulting metrics provided by cybersecurity tools.
Close the Budget Gaps: The platform optimizes the performance and coverage of cybersecurity tools utilized in the Framework Core, providing each tool with customized data sets to maximize tool capacity while lowering tool CapEx and OpEx requirements.
Close the Protection Gaps: Once deployed on the network, the platform allows for rapid upgrades and additions to agencies’ cybersecurity suites to support continuous monitoring.
The Executive Order is a good start. While the initial information gathering may be painful at times, every great journey starts with a first step. This is it, and I’m excited to see where it goes.
For more information, read our Executive Order Point of View “Aligning Agency Cybersecurity Practices with the Cybersecurity Framework: Leveraging Gigamon to Align Cybersecurity Budgets with Desired Business Outcomes.”