“RSA Hearsay” – A Rendezvous with Reservoir Labs
We’re following up on a successful RSA 2016 in San Francisco by chatting with another of our Ecosystem Partners. This time, it’s Reservoir Labs’ turn, and we’ve asked their Vice President of Business Development, Alison Ryan for her views of the show.
Let’s start with an easy one! Tell us about Reservoir Labs.
Okay, so big-picture view: we create ingenious solutions that open new frontiers in cyber security and high performance computing.
That’s a bold claim!
And one that’s fully justified! We’re relentless in the pursuit of innovations that deliver breakthrough, mission-critical results to our customers. To be bolder still, it’s why our clients, leading commercial and government enterprises, turn to us. They have technical challenges that few, if any, other firms can address let alone solve.
And at RSA this year. What was the focus for you?
We showcased R-Scope from Reservoir Labs. It’s an enterprise-ready, enterprise-secure solution that delivers – in a fully hardened platform – the industry’s most customizable network security monitoring tool.
How does it stand out from its competitors?
It’s the best of both worlds. It’s built using powerful open-source Bro-based technology – and married with enterprise-class reliability, stability and patented performance acceleration techniques. It’s a winning combination and one that interoperates with all leading network and analytic tools. R-Scope really is unique in the power and performance it delivers without locking buyers into a proprietary framework.
Tell us more about the integration aspects…
A key part of our focus at the show was a series of Tech Talks with our integration partners – including Gigamon of course. These talks showed the enhanced value of R-Scope in deployed situations across the range of an enterprise security stack. For example, the Gigamon presentation talked about deployment where 400 Gbs links were tapped, filtered and load balanced by Gigamon for delivery to a group of R-Scope devices to successfully identify an attack from outside the network, show compromise of internal assets and validate the timely and successful remediation of the network breach.
What does the double-whammy of Reservoir Labs and Gigamon mean for security pros?
The R-Scope network sensor combines with Gigamon’s advanced packet aggregation and distribution capability and enables the identification of sophisticated attack behaviors by hackers. The focus is all about real-time, spotting what’s happening at any moment in and around the network. Gigamon with R-Scope gives security pros the ability to hunt better, reference historical data when necessary, and link expertly non-obvious data patterns across the network to detect and stop threats. The combination is how wefightsmart.
#wefightsmart indeed!
It’s a great pairing. We’re talking best of breed technologies together – with both Gigamon and Reservoir Labs focusing on performance, flexible deployment, and seamless interoperability.
Aside from R-Scope, what did you see as being the main talking points during the show?
As we expected, much of the show was about analytics: what do to with too much data and how to find the nuggets. We had a lot of conversations with potential customers interested in our new high-performance analytics capability.
What did you most enjoy about the show?
For me, RSA is always about the opportunity to meet with new clients who have needs we can solve. It’s great to be able to discuss real problems and real solutions too. That aside, I also relish the chance to catch up with trusted friends, many of whom are now scattered across many companies and industries, and to be able to connect and talk, really talk, way after hours!