Why You Need to Visit the Gigamon Community Today
Have you had a chance to visit our new Gigamon Community? If you’re a Gigamon user, are evaluating our products or generally interested in what’s happening within the technical user community, please head on over — it’s worth a look.
Hi, I’m Baseer Balazedeh, a Technical Marketing Engineer and part of the Cloud team here at Gigamon. My main responsibilities are to provide real-world use cases and experience, guidance on new application development techniques and use of automation to streamline fast application deployments using CI/CD principles. As a result, I get a chance to interact with our Product and Engineering teams and with my favorite group, end users. Now that we’ve launched our new online community, I’m super excited to tell you all about it.

Why I Like the Community
I really like the Community’s self service because it’s easy to find information you need including answers, how-to articles, best practices and common use cases. Whether you search, or simply click on a topic, all of the information renders in a well-organized easy to navigate format.
Joining interest-based groups are perfect if you want more focused collaboration around a particular technology, use case or vertical market. For example, I’m the moderator of the DevOps group and am eager to start discussing this topic with you.
Why You Will Like It Too
For you, probably the most valuable feature is asking and answering questions. The Community includes other users like you, along with my fellow Gigamon employees. So, if you’re unsure of something, need help or advice, just ask.
This is a global community, which means that it’s always-on. For example, you might ask a question at the end of your workday and have an answer the next morning.
Finally, you get to collaborate with a diverse and experienced users, including customers, partners, SMEs and Gigamon employees. Sometimes a different perspective or experience is just what you need to move forward on a nagging issue or question.
…And If You’re a Gigamon Customer
If you’re a Gigamon Customer there’s a special area just for you. Simply log in and you’ll have access to the My Gigamon area. This was formerly known as the Customer Portal. From here you can submit cases, view your assets and download software and documentation. If you were previously a user of the Customer Portal, just use your same credentials to log in; you don’t need to re-register. If you didn’t use the Customer Portal before, you’ll simply register with a valid product serial number.
In addition to cases, assets, software and docs, you’ll have access to premium content that includes Knowledgebase articles viewable only by customers. Finally, you get to tell us what missing product features or capabilities you need by logging a feature enhancement — and voting on them — on the Idea & Insights Page.
Here’s an Example of How Useful the Community Is
A commonly asked question we get is: “I just upgraded to version XXXX, now how do I XXXX?” The answer is in the deployment guides, but isn’t it just easier to do key-term search and find the answer within seconds?
Here’s another example: “How do I generate a license key for my purchased Gigamon product?” The answer is right here. See, wasn’t that easy?
Head on Over Today
Please visit community.gigamon.com, browse around and see what other users are discussing and all the technical content we provide. If you want to ask a question, join a group or log a feature enhancement (customers only), be sure to register. I look forward to seeing you in the Community soon! Connect with Baseer on the Gigamon Community.